Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Lia, 19
So there we were, waiting in front of some big shopping center., hoping to catch some stylish ladies or hot guys when, oh my god, all the colors on the planet run in front of our eyes. Her name is Lia, she was so much smiling when telling us about herself, about how much she likes creating her own individual style by mixing colorful and bright clothes and easy as springtime.


  1. like like
    n-ati luat vreun numar de telefon, email, ymess, skype, facebook name,....facesmd....? anything?
    she's adorable

  2. poate fata e frumoasa, dar hai nu exagerati cu ideeile de "fashion style". cum sa combini o fusta colorata,lunga cu un maiou albastru. nu`i bine deloc.

  3. Marina, avind in vedere ka pe printul fustei sint o sumedenie de culori (inclusiv albastru)se poate de combinat cu un maiou uni ;)

  4. tricoul uni e cea mai buna varianta
