Saturday, October 9, 2010


Oh, I finally get to write about the Malldova Fashion Show. Not so much writing though, I'd better let you see some pictures.

The evening was presented and guided by Nata Albot, a local journalist, who appeared in a fabulous Ted Lapidus blue dress.

When the show began, I had to remind myself it was just a show organized by a shopping center, whose purpose was to showcase own collections of their own brand shops, in order to attract more clients. Nothing more.
Still, I found some great combinations I'd like to share. There we go, the highlights:

Nata Albot interviewing Rodica Ciorănică ( director of a local fashion and society magazine).
See faces, see shoes.

Shoes I liked the most.

And the dresses that made the evening.


  1. f. frumoase pozele.xx

  2. mi se pare foarte reusita prima combinatie si ultima rochie, e chiar foarte furmoasa.
