Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Little Blue Riding Hood?

Lena, 19, en-terminal

Met with Lena when going to a yardsale (that's another story). Lena was looking good. Took a picture. It felt better, it felt like the right thing to do.

Lena said she doesn't seek inspiration but I know what remarkable creative skills she's got and I truly know she implies them in her look. Sill, Lena is inspired by season (I think we all do) and geez, springtime is always the time to revive your look.


  1. lovely lovely outfit

  2. imi place tot, unica ce nu se potriveste e incaltamintea

  3. din contra..incaltzamintea face totul:D
    ador cand exista si o piesa care pare total rupta din peisaj)

  4. Tare-mi place cum a potrivit domnisoara piesele de vestimentatie.

    P.S. faceti o treaba tare buna. Deseori ma gandeam cum'de nu dati si peste mine cand am dispozitie trasnita in a combina hainele. :)
