Thursday, June 24, 2010

You Rock My World

Corina, music manager

Corina is a music manager for at least 10 years in Moldova and works mainly with local artists. She told us this look of hers totally represents her managerial, tough features.. "But also, it almost totally represents me. I love down-to-earth colors and the geometric twists, the minimalist aspect of this look, it all depicts me"
I'm also very interested in arts, especially photography, all kinds of photography, from social/journalistic to concept photography. Always been inspired by fashion but, most of all, by fashion aesthetics.. my grandmother was a designer and she always taught me that you have to look good, harmonious and beautiful no matter what you put on, you have to feel the connection between clothes and feelings, clothes and beauty.
I've recently visited Oslo and most of the things on me I bought from there. It was a great shopping opportunity (besides that music contest, you know), as Chisinau's shopping places and the prices don't offer much."


  1. foarte tare... in afr de esharfa...totul e just perfect...

  2. Nu inteleg kare e fishka cu ideile astea maniacale ca totul sa se combine perfect :/

  3. Anonymous 2, vezi ca fiecare are propriile moduri si preferinte la combinari.
    cineva se simte perfect cand totui combinat, cineva taman cand breaks the circle.

    pr persoane necombinate perfect check the post


  4. Anonymous, fishka asta e obsesivă mai degrabă ;)) iaca și răspunsu :D

    da dacă la temă, îmi place whatever she has on her legs, hz cum se numesc :)

  5. nu stiu, poate mi se pare mie, dar cred ca seamana intr-un mod foarte dragut cu Katy Perry.

  6. faţa e fte dulce)

  7. fantastic, am mai vazuto pe la TV si are ea dragoste pentru colantsi cu piele la genunchi.
