Saturday, July 31, 2010

Patria Romana

Patricia Romana, 19

Patricia Romana likes to keep it casual, wears comfy clothes but always with a sophisticated twist. "I do most of the shopping abroad, I like to travel and wherever I go I like to buy the local specialty. My all-time brands are Zara, Naf-Naf, Bershka... etc"

Friday, July 30, 2010

Like a flower waiting to bloom, like a lightbulb in a dark room..

Katya, 21

Katya is an old acquaintance. I've always admired her refined style and the chic way she mixes clothes and accessories. We met her while taking a stroll downtown Chisinau and asked her about clothes and dressing:
"I love old clothes- old fabrics, old patterns(or at least retro). Plenty of the clothes I wear are remnants from my mother's and grandma's wardrobe. Also, my mom is still helping me to choose clothes and she's sweet enough to sew me suitable stuff. I'm also mad about shoes! (just like any girl, I guess) aaaand I dream about finding someone to make my own shoes, especially for me :D

What princess-like dreams, we say, but then again - ain't we all little Cinderellas deep in our souls??

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Viermi de mătase. sau Tania

Tatiana, 25
Spune-ne câte ceva despre stilul tău, ce îl caracterizează? Ce te înspiră?
"Mă inspiră propria personalitate (cât de narcisist nu ar suna), îmi urmăresc instinctele când îmi aleg hainele. Stilul meu este feminin şi apropo, îmbrac doar culori care îmi plac şi care mi se potrivesc, indiferent de sezon (adica verdele, de exemplu, merge şi-n iarnă, şi-n vară)."

Nouă Tatiana ne-a amintit de personaje literare (hihi), mai ales de personaje de aşelea, tare-foarte feminine şi elegante şi frumoase din, să spunem, romane româneşti interbelice.

Tania made us daydream.

her blog.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Sun

Olga, 24
"I don't really take into account fashion trends and I don't wear what others do. I dress in order to be remarkable but never eccentric or inappropriate. Also, I think the accessories make it all in an outfit."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

... At the First Sight

Serghei, 24

"I'm inspired by.. mood!
Always wanted to be a designer but got to be a photographer (not bad anyway)"

Pe Serghei l-am vazut pe Bucureşti (strada, desigur), lângă Alianţa Franceză (vedeţi în spate gărduceanu din faţa alianţei, cine o zubrit acolo cărţile, ştie).
Serghei pohodu (probabil) se grăbea la lecţia gratis(ă) şi ostentativă a renumitului fotograf moldovean Roman Râbaleov. Ne-a spus că se îmbracă după dispoziţie. Este fotograf dar a vrut mereu (sau poate nu mereu) să fie designer. Oau :) Nais.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Black & Colours

Corina, musical manager
It is for the second time that we post pictures with Corina (the last post). We caught her like this when she went out for an evening stroll.
The tattoo on her left shoulder is a memory from Algeria, where Corina spent a good part of her childhood.

Corina în ţinută de seară. Ne-au plăcut accesoriile, puţine şi drăguţe; pantofiorii, rochiţa, gentuţa, buzele, tot  :)
Vouă cum vă place?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Only Come Out at Night

Vica, 18
Vica likes to break circles, to exceed limits. Her style is totally representing herself and her moods.
"I don't like to have a restricted way of dressing, I choose clothes and match them however I feel like, I get to fight all limits of common sense or fashion sense or any other bias."

Monday, July 12, 2010


Gabriela, 21
"I do look over fashion tendencies but I'm not always inspired by studio fashion. I'm mostly fond of vintage clothes. I'm now studying journalism and i see myself as a future successful journalist, it's a very interesting profession. My style is totally defining me, I'm inspired by people around, by mood. My style motto is mix & match."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

When in Summer, Prepare for Fall

Photo credit: Cristian Capatina
You can see Lena for the second time on our blog. We took a photo of her for the first time back in May.
Now, Lena chose for her outfit fall colors and it matched impressively well for a cool summer evening. Especially love the hat, the shoes and the rest of accessories.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Crazy Mosquitos!


Mosquito, 18

Her name is Maria-Paula and she has been always a cute fashion icon of Chişinău. Now she's studying outside the country but she always comes back full of energy and smiles ready to share with the people around her. Enfin, we saw her around at the Yardsale and took the chance to take a photo of her, even if she wasn't really willing to (see the shy face, aw so cute)
She reminded us of something so refined and elegant and french :) but no, she didn't tell us anything about frenchy inspirations. She told us she had this dress for a couple of years and never wore it, so (you know that situation when all your favourite or casual or all-days clothes are in the laundry, and you HAVE to get SOMETHING from your wardrobe) she got it (finally) out on a beautiful and sunny day!
Very nice, we say, very nice.


O cheamă Maria-Paula şi se îmbracă fain de când o ţinem minte. Ş-o afundat bine pălăria pe cap şi o refuzat sus-şi-tare să arate faţa. O zis eu îs Vi Ai Pi şi nu pot să arat faţa oricui :p.
Nu, n-o fost aşa. Maria-Paula e foarte drăguţă şi dulce. Ea ne-o amintit de inspiraţii finuţe şi franţuzeşti. Foarte văratic şi romantic şi vanillos.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fishy Siblings

Dmitrii 26, & Dasha, 23

Dmitrii is an young architect and he is inspired by fishermen. Dasha is inspired by her brother (Dmitrii is her brother)
We noticed them around at the Yardsale and chased them when they went off. Quite surprised to find out they're brothers. Anyway, they fit so perfectly in this picture, we were both amazed to see how harmoniously they have posed and dressed, same colors, same looks, same body positions.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Witch

Laura, 19

It is a pleasure to have Laura around. She'll always make you smile, laugh or fight, as everything about her is lively and dynamic and crazy. Apparently, she bought this dress for her prom, but then found another better, so she's using this one for filling the streets of Chisinau with colour and joy. Laura told us that when she goes shopping colors are all that matter. She's choosing clothes and accesories mainly by colors and their meaning.

O stiţ pe Laura, nu? N-o ştiţi pe Laura???
Apu iaca, deja o ştiţi. O ieşit ea cam bosumflată, dar în mod normal şi obişnuit Laura râde mereu, şi încă tare rjacina.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Retro is Back!

Photos from the third Yardsale in Chisinau.

Ira, 22 & Lena, 23
Ira and Lena are best friends since they were 5.
Ira: " I listen to Techno music, my boyfriend is a DJ ;;-) aaand I may say we both dress led by our instincts at the same time trying to mix retro clothes with modern touches. By the way, both of us wear eyeglasses, we read a lot and damaged our eyes". Good for you! We like smart and stylish girls:) How'bout you?

Noi AM FOST la Yardsale și ne-o plăcut. A fost fain, da. De data asta cu muult mai multă lume și cu o selectie mai variata de produse. Noi personal ne tokim după handmade jewelry, și acolo erau foarte multe persoane care au venit cu stuff de genu cercei din argila, stofe și plastic, mergele, bizdelușki și alte nebunii colorate și frumoase. Oricum, principalul scop al vizitei noastre la al treilea Yardsale a fost găsirea de oameni frumoși, stilați, interesanți, neobișnuiți, prea obișnuiți, bla bla bla. Și, o da, am găsit. Poza cu fetele astea două e numai prima dintr-un șir întreg. Așa că săptămâna asta va fi yardsale themed. În fiecare zi câte o poză nouă cu ce-am găsit noi mai bun acolo, special pt voi! (parca scriu la o revistă pt copii care-i disperată dupa cititori). Special pentru voi, dragi copilași ai fashionului est-european!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Sweethearts

Dina, 15 & Alina, 16

Dina & Alina were spotted (by us, of course) outside Mc'Donalds in downtown Chisinau (weirdly, Mc'Donalds is THE spot of meeting for youngsters in Chisinau, not healthy at all but oh well) and they were with a lot of friends, all noisy and happy.
Anyway, as we expected, the girls said they are inspired by their best friends and that they usually go shopping in Bucharest, at Baneasa Mall (lately a lot of people from Moldova get Romanian citizenship and it apparently works as hell for fashion lovers).
"Our favourite brands are the ones that offer nice and cheap clothes for youngsters, like Zara, H&M, Forever 18 etc."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Casual Chic


Marcela, 23 and Irina, 24
"We are like best friends forever, we met in the first grade and studied at the same high school and the same university!"
Marcela, the girl in purple :" I like feeling comfortable no matter what I wear. For example, this top on me is actually a skirt, but I like it better like this. I never want to look too simple, nor excessively dramatic, but somewhere in between. Also, when picking clothes and accessories I always do it according to my height, cause I know I can look pretty even if small ;)"
Irina " The way I'm dressed today- I call it Sex And The City Casual. Well, I changed my style radically after I lived in Rome for a period of time. If before I used to wear only high-heels and glamourous stuff, now I like dressing more casual. I like to play with accessories and colors."